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Rating Division

The history of calculation of the Index of Business Reliability (IBR) from Krioni originates from introducing into scientific and business practice of related concepts - Financial Integrity Index (FII). This project was initiated by private detective Aleksandr Krioni in the third quarter of 2008.
Today, we offer services related to business risk assessment, analysis of business reliability of companies and individual entrepreneurs. Our team has everything required for such work: experienced detectives, author methods of collecting and presenting business information (Know-How), quality and affordable prices.
IBR is used by corporate customers for urgent decision making on commodity credits, various transactions and in any other situations that require urgent assessment of business reliability of a business partner. Due to objective reasons, many companies prefer not to disclose their real intent in the process of business negotiations. In this case, IBR will serve as a true reference in choosing a good faith contractor
Voluntary obtaining of the index improves the terms of lending, allows to decrease variable costs associated with advertising and promoting your services
IBR may also help expand the range of potential business partners
Availability of IBR from Krioni helps create a positive image demonstrating the willingness of the owner to be honest and open for cooperation in the short term
Detectives’ assessment may be used by the customer to amend development strategy as it allows to timely identify the potential problems arising in economic activity